
Hi, and welcome to my blog! My name is Kim Flatley.

Kim’s photo

I’m a sophomore at Syracuse University. I’m a dual student in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Newhouse School of Public Communications, where I am majoring in international relations and public relations. I was born in Dedham, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston, and lived there until I was fourteen, when I moved to Westwood, Massachusetts, where I attended the local public high school.

When I’m not in school, I live with my parents, Tom and Joanne Flatley, my older sister, Lauren, and my little brother, Brendan.

The theme for my blog is politics and current events. I know it sounds boring, but it is something I’ve always been interested in. I got the idea for this theme when I was talking to a friend – I shall give no names – and realized that not only did this person think Ebola was a serious problem in the United States, and not know what the state of the union address was, he also was only vaguely aware of the fact that ISIS had something to do with the Middle East.

This was a pretty good indication to me that I was more in tune with politics and current events than most kids my age, which shouldn’t have been a surprise considering my major. These things are important to me, and I’m interested in sharing them, so I figured it make sense for a blog topic.

I’m really looking forward to writing this blog, which will be an entirely new experience for me, since I’ve never blogged before at all. So work with me, and keep reading my posts!


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